A concoction of unedited, non-commercialized chatter on all matters big and small to be used as my drug to numb the personal hell I perpetuate on a daily basis.
こにちわ。DJ Wasabi です。カンサスだいがくの がくせいです。どおぞ よろしく! Hey, whats up? My name's DJ Wasabi, and I'm a college student from the States, currently studying at the University of Kansas. I'm pleased to meet you. So yeah, above is a loose translation of what I said in Japanese, but don't quote me on it. I love the Japanese music scene but just like with any scene there's the good and the bad. So I host a weekly radio show to separate the good from the bad and bring you the freshest, underground bands along with some mainstream acts that deserve credit for contributing to the scene.